


9:00-10:00 Registration and Exhibit Hall

Welcome to the event!

Explore who is here and what they do.


10:00-11:15 Keynote: Paul Doherty - AI & Metaverse

Learn new technology terms & definitions, the value that Digital Twins, Metaverse, AI provide & so much more.


11:30-12:45 Panel with Lunch - Tech Adoption & ROI

Kick-off Words from Zulq - Smartbuild

Ask questions and get answers from leaders in today’s advancing tech world.


1:00-1:45 Co-Keynote: Patrick Scarpati & Russ Young

Learn about the latest Tech Trends as

ABC National Presents with Tenna LLC.


2:00-3:00 Tech Demos

Observe a variety of amazing tech in action with a variety of demos.


3:00-4:30 Reception and Exhibit Hall

Enjoy some appetizers & drinks as you ask questions in a 1-on-1 setting.

